Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our new doctor

Our appointment was originally for February 6th, but they called yesterday and said we could come this morning. Since it was last notice and I wanted to go now, Brice wasn't able to get off work so my mom and I went. Let me just say I LOVE Dr. Hardwick-Smith at Hermann Hospital. Her office is decorated with the most beautiful life-size baby and maternity pictures you would ever see.
When they called us back I expected to wait on her in a typical medical waiting room. Instead they directed us to Dr. Hardwick-Smith's personal office. We sat there and waited on her for 5 minutes. When she walked in the first thing she told me was my urine test was negative for pregnancy. No big deal, I knew it would be. She wanted to know all about me and asked a lot of questions about my NF and brain tumors. She said I can continue to take my pain meds for now as they will not prevent us from getting pregnant or have another miscarriage. She is not worried about my progesterone level and told me to stop using the cream. But she did say to come back on cycle day 21 and she will draw my blood and test my levels just to be on the safe side. She said it's unusual to get pregnant on the first try like we did, and we're right on schedule where we should be because she said it takes a good 6 months before most people get pregnant.
I'm so happy we found a great doctor at a really great hospital. I will never go back to Texas Women's after the way they treated us, not to mention nobody in that hospital seems to know what they're doing. Everyone at Hermann today were so nice and classy- I can't wait to be treated there during my pregnancy. Hopefully soon:)

1 comment:

Parrett Five said...

AWESOME!!!!! I knew you would find the perfect Doctor for you! Everything in this post was so positive and encouraging...I'm so happy for you.