I was thinking of baby names today (just for fun) and was wondering what
everyone's favorite names are for a boy and/or girl? I try to picture the baby as an adult, and ask myself if it sounds weird calling an adult that name. Or what if they grow up to be a lawyer or the president? Will people take them seriously if they have a "baby" sounding name? So this has always been a hard topic for me.
One thing Brice and I did agree on, is once we pick a name (when we get pregnant) we're keeping it a secret till the baby is born (sorry Kristi,
hehe). Mainly because I want there to be a surprise for everyone to look forward to. And I'm not even going to lie- I don't think I could handle
everyones opinion on it if they don't like it. But I am open for suggestions till we
decide. So how did you choose your babies name? I like the idea of them having our middle names, but that's all I can come up with.