Monday, April 6, 2009


Last week I had a great photo shoot with Jennifer. You never would have guessed it was raining during our entire shoot! Some of the pictures I had to take from the truck so I didn't get my camera wet!
I really love the two pictures below, but was wondering which is everyone's favorite? I can't decide which one, or both, to put on my website?

Jennifer you look beautiful. Thanks for being such a good sport in the rain!
(click on each picture to see full detail and quality)
The first picture is meant to be light in color with blue tints. The second picture is the original color- which I think is my favorite. I was mainly playing around with photoshop on the first picture.


2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

looks great and you are right, i would of never guessed it was raining. i like the second one better

Parrett Five said...

I like the colors in the second one. They look more natural.

jackie said...

jennifer looks so good in these pictures even though it was You are a great photographer.

Jenn said...

I like the effect on the 1st one :)