Saturday, April 25, 2009

baby names?

I was thinking of baby names today (just for fun) and was wondering what everyone's favorite names are for a boy and/or girl? I try to picture the baby as an adult, and ask myself if it sounds weird calling an adult that name. Or what if they grow up to be a lawyer or the president? Will people take them seriously if they have a "baby" sounding name? So this has always been a hard topic for me.
One thing Brice and I did agree on, is once we pick a name (when we get pregnant) we're keeping it a secret till the baby is born (sorry Kristi, hehe). Mainly because I want there to be a surprise for everyone to look forward to. And I'm not even going to lie- I don't think I could handle everyones opinion on it if they don't like it. But I am open for suggestions till we decide. So how did you choose your babies name? I like the idea of them having our middle names, but that's all I can come up with.


Mandy said...

Oh this is fun! We were between about 5 different names. Nathan wanted a "M" name to go with our last name and wanted something different and original. Every name I picked, he knew someone with the name. My dad suggested Mallory and he loved it and we stuck with it. Her middle name Layne is from my mom's middle name Elaine and his mom's middle name Lynn combined. Some people were iffy about it, but we love it and it has a lot of meaning to us and our family!

Jenn said...

I don't have boy names, because our first boy without a doubt is going to be named after DH!

These are my favorite girl names:


Parrett Five said...

We chose the name Parker for our first child. We had originally chosen the name Austin because I was born in TX and if we had a girl we'd name her Madison because we lived in Wisconsin. Well, one day I was leaving a friend's house and I passed "Parker Lane" and called Greg to tell him.... and we loved the name Parker so we kept it. We chose to name his middle name after Greg's Dad, David. I liked the way Parker David sounded together and Greg's Dad is a caring man.
When we were pregnant the second time we still didn't know the sex so we chose Griffin Reid for a boy. I love that name! For a girl we chose Adasen. We were hearing more girls being named Madison and didn't want our little girl to have a common name. We dropped the "M" in Madison and changed the spelling. The prefix "Ada" means happy...and when we say, "Adasen" we hit on the "a-ahh"so it doesn't sound like the old fashioned Addison with an "i"... Adasen's middle name is after Greg's Grandmother Elizabeth. My Mamaw always wanted one of her siblings to be named Beth but they never were so I sort of wanted to honor her in that, but Adasen Beth didn't sound right so we thought Elizabeth would be better.....we called Adasen, Addy Beth for a while but it never stuck. Her original middle name was supposed to be Marie.
I love names that are different... one of my daycare children is named "Chase" and I like that. I've also always loved the name Kennedy for a girl. It has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

(Hey, it's amandamay83, from JS...I'm just too lazy to sign in, LOL.)

The best advice I got in terms of baby-names was from a 50 year old man, who goes by Frank...but who's given, birth certificate name is Frankie. He said, "You need to remember, you're not naming a baby. You're naming a 40 year old." It was important to us that our kids' names be timeless and traditional. Not the "Jennifer" of the decade, ykwim? (Appologies to any Jen's!)

There's no particular significance to our kids' names beyond that, though. Darren was always Ryan's favorite name, and John (his middle name) is Ryan's grandfather's name (and his middle name as well). As for Leah, I'm just really fond of the name, and her middle name, Diane, is my mom's name. So the middle names have family-significance.

I have faith that you'll pick a nice, sensible, timeless name ;)