Saturday, November 28, 2009

9 months pregnant!!

Well almost. I'll be 9 months on Monday. Holy cow!! I'll post a belly picture then- I promise.

Last week we made a trip to the emergency room because I thought either my water had broken or I was leaking fluid. Turns out I just have a really bad infection. So got some yucky cream for that and I'm doing better now. But while we were there at the hospital, the doctor told my dad Oliver's head is straight down towards the birth canal. So he's ready to come out as soon as my body is ready. Hopefully that won't be before my induction date. My sister will be here December 19 and my good friend Jennifer will be my "doula". Jennifer has been with me thru a brain surgery so she's use to taking care of me and waiting on me hand and foot. My dad is getting me a HD Flip (video recorder) for Christmas, so Jennifer will also be in charge of filming the birth. And I'm giving her a copy of my birth plan so she can keep the nurses in check. Now that I think about it, Jennifer's job is more important than mine trying to push a baby out, hehe. She's a good multi-tasker so I think she can manage. And my God, what would I do without my sister? So I think we got a good plan in place, and as far as Brice being there I just don't know yet. One day at a time I suppose.

And BTW, I am having some trouble with my email. If anyone needs to email me my address is but I can not send out messages right now. We are trying to get that fixed with my cable company. However, I can receive messages so feel free to email me, but it may be a bit before I can respond.



2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

Wow, i can't believe how close you are.
You are so lucky that they let you record births, Our hospital does not allow it, only pictures. :(

I will be looking foward to seeing your belly pic

Maryann said...

Brandi- I didn't say they were gonna "allow" me to film, haha. You're probably right about that, we're probably not allowed to film, but my plan is to not even mention it and then at the last minute have Jennifer start filming when no one is paying attention. The FLIP is really tiny so she can definatly get away with it, lol. I guess the laws have changed, I really don't know, but my aunt was allowed to film her csection 6 years ago at the same hospital.
Check back Monday for my HUGE belly pic:)


Nature Girl said...

Hi there,
I came across your blog this morning and boy oh boy!! A Baby Boy! Congratulations. I LOVE your stories. I hope the best for you and your son. From the looks of things you are going to be a fantastic mother! Be strong. This will be an ever changing event in your life, one you will NEVER forget. God Bless you!
Gina, The Nature Girl

Parrett Five said...

We filmed our births. Our hospital didn't have a problem with it back then. I would not be happy if I couldn't see the birth whenever I wanted to.... memories!!!!

It sounds like you have a good plan in place, MA.

I hope that Brice can be there for the birth of his son. Maybe it will be a light bulb moment for him?

Amber said...

thinking of you maryann! Glad things are going well with the preganacy! Always keeping you in my thoughts, You are going to be an amazing mom xoxo. Please update us or have someone update the blog because i check it often. is my email.

MrsKBJ said...

Yay! 9 months!! Can't wait to see your belly picture!!