Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun with Paint Shop Pro

Yesterday I bought Paint Shop Pro PHOTO x2. I haven't actually read the instruction booklet yet. I would prefer to teach myself and play around with it instead of giving myself a headache reading the hard to understand "instructions". So bare with me, I'm sure you may find a few mistakes on the following photos.
On this picture I just did some simple one click editing...

This picture actually turned out pretty good...

Blast from the past!

I had a hard time with this picture of Nathan, but it still looks pretty cool...


Parrett Five said...

Nathan looks so much like PJ in that photo. Great work, MA! You'll be a pro before you know it! :0)

Jenna said...

Great stuff MaryAnn! Photoshop confuses the heck outta me! :)

Maryann said...

Lisa- he does look just like PJ in that picture.

Jenna- Paint Shop Pro is a little easier to use than Photoshop, but basically if you know what each tool is for it's not really that hard. Just takes lots of practice.

Crystal said...

sis, i love it..send me an original please