Monday, August 3, 2009

19 weeks

I am 19 weeks today and finally growing. My face and arms still look too thin, but my belly is growing! Last week I got sick while driving to Lake Jackson and had to pull over to throw up in a plastic baggie in my truck. I was going to get out and puke on side of the road, but couldn't even get out before it started coming up. If this wasn't bad enough, a Texas State trooper pulled over to see what I was doing. When I rolled down my window and showed him the baggie full of my lunch, he stepped back a few feet and asked if I needed help. I guess he thought I had the swine flu. When I told him I was pregnant, he goes "oh!!" and stepped closer to my window. Yeah dude I'm not contagious- just pregnant. He seemed pretty grossed out by it. I bet next time he sees me pulled over like that he doesn't stop to see what I am doing, ha ha. I know it probably wasn't very nice of me to show him the baggie of vomit like that, but I am pregnant, hormonal, throwing up in my truck in 100 degree Texas heat, and the last thing I want is to be bothered by the cops.
I will post a belly picture at 20 weeks. Hopefully there will be a change from my 15 week picture.



MrsKBJ said...

You poor thing! I hope your sickness ends soon! Can't wait to see your belly pic!

Parrett Five said...

((((((Maryann)))))) you sure have been dealing with a lot of tummy issues! This baby boy is giving you a run for your money! Feel better!