Wednesday, October 7, 2009

28 week placenta check-up

Today I am 28w3d. Yesterday me and Jennifer went to Texas Womens Hospital to have my low-lying placenta checked. The girl who did the ultrasound was really nice and spent 20mins showing Jennifer the baby and all his cute features! He was face down, but tilted to the side a bit so we weren't able to get a full face view, but we did see his mouth and lips which were moving and talking to us! The ultrasound tech pointed this out to us and thought it was really funny. You could see his little lips moving 90mph. I'm not sure what he was telling us, but then he waved. So maybe he was just saying hello. Then he stuck his tongue out at us twice. I think it's amazing we were able to catch all that on the ultrasound. The doctor came in to check some measurements of his legs that the ultrasound tech did. The doctor made a comment to Jennifer how "defined" his hands and feet are for 28 weeks. They told us everything looked great, so I assume that means my placenta has moved up to where it needs to be, but I will know for sure next week when I go see Dr. Miller. The doctor said he weighs 2 pounds 2oz. and is in the 50 percentile for his weight and length. So he's average- not too big, and not too small. We got one last look at the side of his face before we left, and his little lips and mouth were still moving!! I guess he's going to be a talker just like me:)

I have my 29 week 3D/4D ultrasound this Saturday. I really hope he turns over by then because if not they won't be able to do the ultrasound with him face down. You can't really see anything with him in that position. So send us good vibes he turns his head by Saturday!



julie said...

sounds like an awesome ultrasound! So excited for you

Parrett Five said...

How exciting! It's wonderful to hear that he is doing so well in that little tummy of yours! Will Brice be going to the ultrasound appointment on Saturday? I'm sure he will love seeing his little man's antics! :0)

Jenna said...

Aww how sweet that you could see him "talking". I bet you can't wait to meet your little man!

Anonymous said...

It was the most make my heart stop and jump watching him talk to us and then he stuck his tounge out reminded me of a pic I have somewhere of me and MA both doing that and I thought oh that is def the MA yaking and doing that lol MUAH!!!

Jennifer said...

Where have you been? How are you???

Clover Mommy said...

I lost your email address!! Send it to me please!! Love your post...your belly is to die for!