Friday, October 30, 2009

Oliver Call Fief

I don't really know how I came up with Oliver. I don't know anyone in real life with that name, or anyone who has a son named Oliver. And it defiantly isn't a name I ever saw on the top baby name list. About 3 years ago, a girl on a fashion message board I am a member of named her son Oliver. I thought it was kind of an odd name. But for some reason it stuck in my head. So after Brice turned down Joel and Avery, I mentioned Oliver not even being totally serious and he loved it. At that point it just stuck, and after a few days I knew that's what I was meant to name my son. It fits him perfectly. Even my sister said he looks like an Oliver already.

Now I know you're wondering about the middle name- Call.
If you have never seen the old western movie Lonesome Dove then the following will make no sense to you:)
Brice is a huge Lonesome Dove fan. And so am I. Though I admit I had never seen it till I met Brice. So we wanted the middle name to come from the movie. Brice's first choice was Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae, but I couldn't picture my son with the middle name Augustus. So that leaves Captain Woodrow F. Call a famous Texas Ranger played by Tommy Lee Jones.
If we had a girl, her name was going to be Brynn Lorena. Lorena is another character on Lonesome Dove.

I guess now that I am single I can name my son whatever I want, but honestly I know he's meant to be Oliver Call and I know everytime I say his name and see his sweet face I'll remember the great man his father use to be before he turned his back on us for crystal meth.


MrsKBJ said...

I love the name Oliver, it is on my list if we ever have a boy. :O)

Lesley At Sarita Farms said...

Perfect name!! I also love how you are still thinking about Brice when it comes to naming that precious baby boy. I am going to pray that the Lord really gets ahold of him and straightens him out, if not for you then for Oliver!! I am praying for you sweetie!!

Courtney said...

Love the name!

Jennifer said...

Love the name and the meaning behind it. You are fabulous Maryann!

Wendy said...

Awwwwwwww I am thinking of you, MA! SOOOO happy you are naming him OLIVER!!!!

Maryann said...

Thanks girls!

Wendy- I was hoping you would see this post! So yes, if it wasn't for you, the name Oliver never would have been stuck in my mind after all these years. So just remember now there will be a little boy in Texas named after YOUR Oliver, hehe:)

The Perry Fam said...

OMG, Maryann, I had no idea. I'm so sorry to hear about Brice. I just caught up on your blog. I'm just sick for you. So sorry. Let me know if you need anything. LOVE the name, BTW. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter.