Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Oliver fix

Here's a recent picture for those that choose Oliver as your drug of choice:)

I had posted on Facebook before Oliver was born that my dad was teasing me over the expensive things I buy Oliver. He wanted to know if we would be able to buy Oliver's formula from WalMart or if it would need to be specially ordered from Paris. Well come to find out, we are in fact having to order his formula off the internet! He has to drink the EnfaCare for preemies which I can't find anywhere in the ready-to-use cans so we have been ordering it from the Enfamil website every week. Shipping is free so it's no big deal, but I'll be glad when I can switch him to the Enfamil Premium.
We attempted to weigh Oliver last night on our kitchen scale:) I have pictures of that to post as soon as I upload them. He's almost 6 pounds now.


Anonymous said...

So cute!

Christopher was on NeoSure but switched to EnfaCare because it's cheaper. lol But ugh, all the preemie formula is expensive. Hope he can move to the non-preemie stuff soon!

julie said...

he is sooo precious!!!!

2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

Roman and Isaak were on Enfacare as well.
But, not the ready to feed kind as thats alot more expensive. Just the powder kind.
Luckily WIC covered it so i only had to buy a few cans a month out of my pocket.

Oliver is sooo cute, is his hair dark? I love it.

Parrett Five said...

He is so stinking cute!!!!

Sarah said...

Brenna used the Neosure preemie formula by Similac, luckily all stores that carry that brand had the formula in stock! No special ordering ... I am also lucky that we don't have to special order the hypoallergenic stuff she is on now (Enfamil brand - much cheaper than Similac's).

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bunnygirl said...

He's beautiful!!! Congratulations on your son. I'm glad he's home with you now. Thinking of you. *hugs*

Brice said...

this is gay and i do not appricate it at all goodby