Thursday, December 18, 2008

Secret Santa???

We had a secret Santa gift exchange on a message board I have been a member of for 5 years :insert shocked smiley face here: Wow, I can not believe how the time flies. When I first joined, I hadn't even met Brice yet. How cool is that? So anyways, I joined the gift exchange this year. We had to make list of items we wanted. My SS got me the two items off my list I wanted the most. Here are some pictures...

I LOVE Woodwick candles. Brice tells me they sound like a fireplace crackling. I just love the smell, and they burn forever!
Sophia and Raven even got some homemade dog treats


Parrett Five said...

I love Woodwick candles, too. I have a huge one that I got last year and it still looks brand new.

Jenna said...

You got some great stuff Maryann! I have to try one of those candles! Have a great Christmas :)