Friday, June 19, 2009

12 week appt update

Everything went great yesterday. At first the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, and since I told her it had been three days since we had been able to find the heartbeat with our home doppler, she was a little concerned and said Dr. Miller would need to do an ultrasound. So I guess if it wasn't for the baby being difficult I wouldn't have gotten an ultrasound. I am far enough along now to where they can do my ultrasounds right there at her office. So Dr. Miller comes in and ask me if I have been bleeding or cramping? Umm no. I'm sitting there thinking just start the damn ultrasound already. The second she turned the machine on, I didn't even have time to blink, she said "oh, no wonder we couldn't find the heartbeat, the baby is flipping around in there and won't sit still". So she called my dad over to point out the heartbeat, head, body, arms and legs which were flying all over the place. We all laughed because the baby flipped over when she was trying to point out the belly to my dad. I kept looking at his/her little nose. It was clearly visible and so cute! She pointed out where the "goods" will be between the legs, but it was too early to see if it's a boy or girl.
My first question was to ask Dr. Miller if it looked like the baby was growing normally. I take two category C drugs everyday, so this is one reason they are keeping such a close eye on me. She said the growth and head growth looked perfect to her. Brice and I previously declined the first trimester screening for birth defects like down syndrome or even for NF like what I have because those things don't matter to us- we would still have the baby anyways. But it is nice to know my medication isn't having any affects on the babies growth, but this is something I defiantly want to keep an eye on every time we go.
I did get an ultrasound picture yesterday, but her machine isn't very good like the one at the hospital so it's not a very good clear picture. I will scan it and post it later when I finally post my belly picture:)


Lesley At Sarita Farms said...

Don't worry to much about not finding the doctor actually had to be the one to find it the first few times I went in. She was and STILL is so active that it was always hard to find!!! I am so happy for you and I pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby!!!

MrsKBJ said...

I am so glad your appt went well! I will never forget the first time I saw my baby on the ultrasound machine. It is amazing!!! Next time you have an ultrasound they should be able to tell the sex. Mine tech was able to guess girl at 13 weeks, and at 19 confirmed it was a girl!! That day was surreal! Something just seemed to change when they said your having a girl. It felt more real.

julie said...

I'm so glad everything is going great!!!!

Parrett Five said...

So you have a little acrobat in there!!! Very exciting that your Dad was there with you. Can't wait to see those belly pics....