Monday, June 15, 2009

12 weeks

Today I am 12 weeks pregnant. Whoohoo!! Some doctors say the second trimester begins at 12 weeks, but most say it's the first day of the 13th week. So either way I guess you could say I am in my second trimester which is very exciting. I have a doctor appt this Thursday at 3:30pm for another ultrasound. Brice wasn't able to get off work and I don't mind going by myself, but my dad is really excited since I am getting an ultrasound so he wants to go with me so he can see the baby. My dad is always kissing my belly and putting his ear next to my belly, so seeing how excited he is, I thought it would be nice to let him go with me.

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamed that I had twin boys on December 28 via c-section. I was holding them both and could see every detail of their face. It was a weird dream though because my friend Kristi was in the room next door to mine having her baby Kylee.

Brice and I came up with a girl name last night. I picked the first name and he picked the middle name. So if it's a girl it won't have my middle name, but I think it's important part of your child's name have meaning to the dad or something he picked out. It's kind of funny because everytime we talk about baby names, we always talk about girl names. Even Brice talks about this baby as if it's a girl. We're stumped on boy names so hopefully we won't have to go that route:)

I will post a belly picture later this evening:)


julie said...

yay!!! the 12 week mark was huge for me! Can't wait to hear about your appt on Thursday.

Check your email....

Jenn said...

I can't wait to see your cute belly! Maybe it IS a girl and that's why you keep thinking of girl names :) Weird i keep getting girl & boy vibes from you, sorry I'm no help!

Parrett Five said...

Congrats! I've been waiting for belly pics!!!!!!!!!! So exciting! I'm so happy for you, MA. So happy. xo