Friday, May 22, 2009


Today I am 8w4d pregnant. Just four more weeks and I'll be in my second trimester!!
Yesterday we got really good news at the doctor. I had my second ultrasound at 8am to check for sac and baby growth, and most importantly, to see a heartbeat again. I started crying when the ultrasound tech found the baby and you could immediately see the little heart just pounding away on the computer screen. The ultrasound tech turned on the sound so Brice could hear it. Then I think he almost started crying. The heart was 176bpm and we are confident based on the heartbeat it's a girl. Last week it was 130bpm so I thought maybe boy, but my doctor said you can't base it on the first ultrasound because the heart was just getting started at that time. So it starts off slow.
I was excited to see the heartbeat, but I still didn't know what this meant for the sac growth. The ultrasound tech let us leave without talking to us so I knew that was a good sign. I had an appt with Dr. Miller that same day just a few hours later so I knew I would find out soon enough. So we go see Dr. Miller and when she walks into the room her eyes are kind of huge and I can tell she has something exciting to tell us. She said based on the ultrasound findings that the sac is measuring right on time and looks completely normal. She was kind of dumbfounded over this. Not only that, but the baby has grown like weeds in the past week, so they have now changed my due date back to where it should be which is December 28, 2009.

Here is a picture of our little gummy bear

See the little "hole" above the head? I was a little worried what that was since it looks like a hole in the head. I asked Dr. Miller about it and she said it's the yolk sac. Brice of course had to tell her "That's Maryann's kid- that's probably where the brain was suppose to be".
He better sleep with one eye open tonight!


Jenna said...

I am so, so happy for you and Brice! That is such wonderful, amazing news Maryann! You are going to be such a great momma :)

Lesley At Sarita Farms said...

How in the heck did I miss that you are pregnant!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!! I will be praying that everything will progress like it should and you stay healthy and so does the baby!!! I know it will though!!! Remember I get to take those maternity pics too!!!!

April said...

I am SOOOOO excited and happy for you! Your due date is one day after my birthday! A Christmas baby!!! XOXO. April

Shannon Dew said...

how exciting!!! Congrats!

Jenn said...

It's a keeper!

Seriously Maryann, I am so super excited for you guys!

julie said...

I'm so happy everything is great! lots of love to you and Brice

Parrett Five said...

How exciting! Keep posting these wonderful updates! Brice sounds like he keeps you on your toes! I love his sense of humor. Sorry, you know you're still my #1 but Brice does say some pretty funny things! LOL
Soooooo happy for you, Brice, and the little gummy bear! Muah!