Sometimes I wonder if some people are born under a rock, or just plain stupid? Or maybe they are just cold-hearted? Some of the things people have said to us after my miscarriage have been shocking. Brice came home upset last week. He said a guy named Peter (not his real name) told him that I probably caused this miscarriage because of the
vicodin I take. Brice said it took everything in his power not to punch this guy out. My poor husband being the soft-hearted guy he is, was too upset to explain to this guy that my doctors at MD Anderson, one of the best cancer hospitals in the world, have told me it's perfectly safe for me to take under their supervision while pregnant. My unborn baby would be in far more danger if I didn't take it. I don't think anyone can understand the pain I go
thru everyday. I have had ten brain surgeries, and two spinal surgeries. And lets not forget Gama Knife, a high dose of radiation therapy, all to remove tumors from my nerves. Yes nerves are what cause our body to hurt. And let's not forget to mention the tumors I still have on my spine and brain that haven't been removed. This Peter guy is a real jerk, but sadly he isn't the only person who has said hurtful things to us. A very good friend of mine asked me if my doctors were going to give me medicine so this miscarriage doesn't happen again? You're kidding me, right? Yeah she assumed this miscarriage was caused because something is wrong with
me. Never once did she stop to think that maybe it was just spontaneous or chemical? People automatically want to assume something is wrong with me, and that hurts. We all have the same odds of having a miscarriage, yes even you. Of course we all think it won't ever happen to us, but those are the ones it normally happens to. Brice and I are slowly coming to peace with all the hurtful things that have been said to us. I could go on and on, but I think this was enough for me to write about- I feel better now.